
Eudistoma carolinense

(Sandy Lobe Tunicate)

1. Out of water-tunicate has completed encrusted cable tie (Rob Ruzicka)

2. Out of water-tunicate has completed encrusted cable tie (Rob Ruzicka)

3. Out of water-tunicate has completed encrusted cable tie (Rob Ruzicka)


Colony height: 2.5cm (1") Colony width: 5-10cm (2-4") Individual zooids: 2mm (0.01")

Recognition Characters

Colonies usually consist of groups or masses that give rise to irregularly tapering heads arising from an expanded, encrusting base. The test of the tunicate is in all parts densely crowded with coarse sand grains rendering it somewhat hard and brittle. This is one of the most densely impregnated ascidians in terms of sediment load.


Often the color of mixed sand grains. Sandy brown to grey with flecks of black. Dense amount of sand embedded in tunicate makes it opaque.

Habitat & Depth

Encrust hard substrates and the bottoms of sea whips and other gorgonians. To 30m.

Distribution at GRNMS

Occasional. Small colonies may be encountered encrusting rocks or the bases of hard and soft corals or hydroids.

Geographic Range

South Carolina south to the Florida Keys

Behavior & Notes

