
Chondrosia reniformis

(Butternut Sponge)


Colony height: 2.5cm (1") Colony width: reaching 5-10cm (2-4")

Recognition Characters

Sponge can be massive, depressed-ellipsodia, or glossy lobate. Surface is typically strongly convoluted into irregular, corrugated folds. Consistency in life is cartilaginous, firm, and tough. The ectosome is a thick white cortex, dense and cartilaginous. The choanosome is distinct from the outer cortex, buff-colored, softer, and reminiscent of marrow in texture. Choanosome is riddled with meandering canals. Aspiculate.


Externally is dark purplish to brown, almost black or dark blue sometimes spotted with white.

Habitat & Depth

Widely distributed throughout many habitats. Inhabit ledges, rocky outcroppings, crevices, and coral reefs, also mangroves and seagrass beds.

Distribution at GRNMS

Common. This sponge is cryptic in its distribution at GRNMS. It prefers to grow in recesses or cracks in the substrate.

Geographic Range

North Carolina south to Brazil

Behavior & Notes

Sponge will contract when touched.



Wiedenmayer 1977