
Podochela sidneyi

(Ghost Crab)

1. Out of water (Pam Heckel)

2. Out of water (Pam Heckel)

3. Out of water (Pam Heckel)


Carapace length: 2.5cm (1") Carapace width: 2cm (0.8")

Recognition Characters

Small crab with 3 large protuberances on dorsal side of carapace. Rostrum is round. Eyes stalked to each side of head. First set of legs are long with straight hairs and short tufts of smaller hairs.


Overall color is light brown or tan, sandy brown

Habitat & Depth

Reefs and rocky outcroppings. To 187m.

Distribution at GRNMS

Common. Found under rocks, ledges, or within cracks or crevices of substrate.

Geographic Range

Cape Hatteras, North Carolina south to Cuba

Behavior & Notes

This species is often encrusted by small bryozoans, barnacles, ascidians, or algae.



Williams 1984