
Calappa flammea

(Flame Box Crab)

1. In situ (Greg McFall)


Carapace Width: 15cm (6") Carapace Length: 11cm (4.25")

Recognition Characters

Carapace up to 1.42 times broader than long. Claws are large with 7 dorsal teeth on large claw and 6 on smaller one.


Carapace color pattern is striking and variable. Longitudinal stripes on top of carapace can be dark brown to reddish brown to lavender. Stripes fade near back of carapace. Ground color of carapace gray to mottled white.

Habitat & Depth

Young crabs may be found in estuaries. Adults found in depths of 10-30m. May often be buried in sand around reef.

Distribution at GRNMS

Rare. May remain buried on sandy bottoms near ledges or rocky outcroppings.

Geographic Range

Woods Hole, Mass. South to Bahamas, Bermuda and Gulf of Mexico

Behavior & Notes

Feeds on mollusks and barnacles.



Ruppert and Fox 1988, Williams 1984