
Synalpheus longicarpus

(Snapping Shrimp)


Length: up to 1.85cm (0.7")

Recognition Characters

Rostrum carinate, slender and slightly longer than triangular, obtuse orbital hoods, reaching about to middle of basal antennular article. Space between rostrum and orbital hoods is U-shaped, broader in females. Eyes are small and completely covered. First legs are chelate and very unequal. Larger chelae elongate, ovate, and about 2.75 times longer than broad. Sixth abdominal segment with strong triangular tooth on each posterior angle. Telson with sinuous sides tapering to subtruncate tip; dorsal spines on telson strong, 1st at 1/3, 2nd at 2/3 length; tip with 2 pairs of strong spines, inner pair slightly longer. Uropodal exopod broadly oval.


Translucent white, fingers are brown.

Habitat & Depth

Under shells, rubble, coral, rock or interior of sponges. Especially abundant in Speciospongia othella. To 60m.

Distribution at GRNMS

Abundant. May be associated with other sponges since S. othella is not present at GRNMS.

Geographic Range

Beaufort, North Carolina south to Texas and Flower Garden Bank. West Indies to Brazil. Yucatan Peninsula

Behavior & Notes

Can be locally abundant in the canals of larger sponges.



Williams 1984