
Serranus subligarius

(Belted Sandfish)

1. Out of water (Steve Vives)

2. Out of water (Steve Vives)


Maximum size 10cm (4")

Recognition Characters

This is a small, stout grouper. There are several bars on the body, especially visible in the rear half of the body. A large black spot covers the first part of the soft dorsal fin and back.


Conspicuous bright white belly, contrasting with the base body color. Maroon red and white mottled pattern around head. Also, the base body color darkens in the caudal areas.

Habitat & Depth

Temperate reefs to 40m.

Distribution at GRNMS


Geographic Range

North Carolina to Florida (rare in Keys) and Texas. Reported from Mexico and Cuba.

Behavior & Notes

This species is limited more to temperate reefs rather than tropical reefs.

