
Portunus spinimanus


Carapace length: to 6.5cm (2.6") Carapace width: to (4.3")

Recognition Characters

Carapace is considerably less than twice as wide as long, finely granulate and pubescent with prominent, curved, coarsely granulate transverse ridges. Eight frontal teeth, 4 teeth on rostrum. Chelipeds are long, slender, and pubescent. Merus with 4 sometimes 5 strong, curved spines in front and 1 on distal end. Carpus with 2 spines, inner one much stronger.


Pubescence yellowish or reddish brown, ridges of carapace, spines, chelipeds, fingers and tips of legs are reddish brown. Antolateral teeth are reddish at base, white at tips. Merus, carpus, and hands of chelipeds have white blotches.

Habitat & Depth

Waters of intercontinental shelf, occasionally in deeper estuaries and bays. Associated with Sargassum on sandy bottoms and reefs. Surface waters to 393m.

Distribution at GRNMS

Common. Usually found swimming in open ocean. Occasionally encounter on reef under Sargassum or seaweeds.

Geographic Range

New Jersey south to the Gulf of Mexico. West Indies to Brazil. Bermuda

Behavior & Notes

This species is similar to P. gibbesii but length of last anterolateral teeth and iridescent markings distinguish species.



Williams 1984