
Desmapsamma anchorata

(Club Finger Sponge)

1. In situ (Rob Ruzicka)

2. In situ (Greg McFall)

3. In situ (Greg McFall)

4. In situ-predation shows choanosome of sponge (Rob Ruzicka)

5. In situ-predation shows choanosome of sponge (Rob Ruzicka)

6. Out of water-sponge quickly oxidizes out of water and turns dark in color (Rob Ruzicka)


Colony height: reaching 35cm (14") Branch width: reaching 3.75cm (1.5")

Recognition Characters

Sponge forms erect branching colonies from a central basal stalk. Branches divide into swollen digitate processes. Branches may also divide dichotomously at tips. Oscules are common and visible on branches. Spicules are slightly curved oxeas.


Primarily orange with traces of white around oscules when located around GRNMS. Colors can vary across geographical range.

Habitat & Depth

Grow in areas of mixed sand and rocky substrate surrounding tropical and temperate reefs. To 40m depth.

Distribution at GRNMS

Common. Sponge grows on sandy bottoms away from ledges or rocky outcroppings.

Geographic Range

Northwestern Europe, Western Atlantic including Florida.

Behavior & Notes

This sponge becomes oxidized quickly out of water and will turn into a dark brown or black color.



Meinkoth 1981, Wells et al. 1960