
Hyrtios violaceaus

(Purple Cavern Sponge)

1. In situ (Patrick Erwin)

2. In situ (Patrick Erwin)

3. In situ (Patrick Erwin)

4. Out of water (Patrick Erwin)

5. Out of water - Picture shows part of interior cavity inside sponge (Patrick Erwin)

6. Out of Water - Picture shows tan interior of sponge (Patrick Erwin)


Colony height: to 25cm (10") Colony width: to 35cm (14")

Recognition Characters

This sponge can form massive, irregular lobate colonies with projecting tubules. Surface of sponge extremely conulose forming a lattice work appearance with fibers running between conules. Conspicuous oscules apparent, orientated toward the apices of the elevated oscules. Interior of sponge has large cavernous spaces. Overall consistency is soft and very compressible.


Exterior is dark purple to purplish-black. Interior is creamy white to tan.

Habitat & Depth

Temperate reefs to 30m.

Distribution at GRNMS

Common. Sponge grows on the tops of ledges.

Geographic Range

Georgia, South Carolina

Behavior & Notes

