
Geodia gibberosa

(White Enrusting Sponge)


Colony height: 5cm (2") Colony width: reaching 10cm (4")

Recognition Characters

Sponge is encrusting with a tendency to become lobate or round in form. Sponge division of outer cortex and inner choanosome is easily apparent. Outer cortex is smooth, thin, strong, firm, and incompressible. Inner choanosome is fibrous and softer than outer cortex. Sponges in the Geodia genus contain sterraster spicules and shafted triaenes. At least for the purple (cryptic) specimen, the ectosome was sticky.


White, yellow, or purple with meshlike ectosome.

Habitat & Depth

Widely distributed throughout many habitats. Encrust underside of ledges, rocky outcroppings, crevices, and coral reefs to 50m.

Distribution at GRNMS

Rare. This sponge is cryptic in its distribution at GRNMS. It prefers to grow in recesses, cracks and underneath ledges.

Geographic Range

Caribbean, Florida to North Carolina

Behavior & Notes



Wiedenmayer 1977