
Bugula grayi


Colony height: reaching 7.5cm (3")

Recognition Characters

Colony consists of erect branches with secondary branches arranged in a spiral or whorled pattern; zooids are biserial, alternate, tapering slightly toward the base, with frontal membranes occupying slightly more than three-fourths of the length of the frontal surface. The length of the avicularia is equal to or slightly exceeds the width of the zooids; the beak is decurved.


Color of the secondary branches in 70% alcohol is pale cream, main stems (which are much thickened by entwined radicles) are a dark cream.

Habitat & Depth

Attach to reefs, wrecks, buoys and floating debris. To 22m.

Distribution at GRNMS

Common. Attached to ledges and rocky outcroppings.

Geographic Range


Behavior & Notes

Similar in appearance to B. turrita which resembles in its spiral growth form, spine formula, bifurcation type, and ovicell form. It differs from B. turrita in having stouter zooids, proportionately longer frontal membranes, and much larger avicularia (nearly 2 times) with a different shape and more proximal position.

