
Parapinnixa bouvieri


Carapace Length: to 0.4cm (0.18") Carapace Width: to 0.8cm (0.75")

Recognition Characters

This is a very small crab. Carapace smooth, shining, not more than twice as wide as long. Sides of carapace arcuate or rounded. Chelipeds and merus stout, slightly hairy on interior. Merus of first leg is extremely thick, merus of first leg not reaching laterally beyond carpus of cheliped.


Habitat & Depth

Unknown. 3.5 to 75m.

Distribution at GRNMS

Geographic Range

Charleston, South Carolina south to Puerto Rico

Behavior & Notes

This tiny crab has been collected with sea urchins in the Caribbean and may be commensal with other organisms.



Williams 1984