
Averrillia setigera


Zooecia length: 0.55mm Zoociea width: 0.175mm. Stolon diameter: 0.04mm

Recognition Characters

The zoarium consists of a very slender, segmented stolon from which the zooecia arise in pairs, one on each side. Zooecia have one or more caudate clasping processes located basally. Stolons can be highly branched, giving rise to secondary and tertiary stolons. Distal end of the zooecium bears four long hollow spines which arise from strong prominences.


Habitat & Depth

Grows on other hydroids and bryozoans.

Distribution at GRNMS

May be attached to Amathia convoluta.

Geographic Range

Woods Hole, Mass. South to Bahamas, Puerto Rico south to Brazil

Behavior & Notes

Aeverillia setigera is very difficult to remove from the substrate because of firmly adherent clasping processes, whereas other Aeveriliia can be removed intact.



Maturo 1957