
Schizoporella floridana

(Staghorn Bryozoan)

1. In situ (Greg McFall)

2. In situ (Greg McFall)

3. In situ - on right (Greg McFall)

4. Out of water (Steve Vives)

5. Out of water (Steve Vives)


Colony height: 10-15cm (4-6") Colony width: 15-30cm (6-12")

Recognition Characters

Encrusting, and appear in a variety of forms: unilaminar, multilaminar, foliacious, or tubular. Zooids are rectangular in shape. The species is heavily calcified, granular in texture, and has a number of large pores perforating the calcification. Avicularia are rounded at the base, with pointed mandibles, and may occur singly or in pairs just under the orifice. The horseshoe-shaped lophophore surrounding the mouth measures approximately 0.02 inches in diameter and bears an average of 17 tentacles.


Purplish brown, or dark orange around tips

Habitat & Depth

Reefs in temperate zones. Sometimes inhabit harbors, bays and mangrove environments in tropical waters. To 50m depth.

Distribution at GRNMS

Abundant. Grows on the tops of ledges.

Geographic Range

North Carolina to Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico

Behavior & Notes



Humann 1992a