Servas Singing Home

Servas singing a coloured world -“Cantare”: songs for peace sing is to remember...

memories of dear faces and dear voices... sing is to love...

hand in hand, face to face... sing is to communicate...

universal language of all times...


round a table..

under the stars ..

on the roads of the world...

About Servas:

“...With every true friendship we build more firmly the foundations on which the peace of the whole world rests. Thought by thought and act by act, with every breath we build the kingdom of non-violence that is the true home of the spirit of man...” Mahatma Gandhi

Servas means "serve" in Esperanto.

“Servas International is a non-profit organization working to build understanding, tolerance and world peace.”

“The cornerstone of Servas is the hospitality offered by our "open doors". Servas hosts offer hospitality to approved travellers of every ethnicity, creed and nationality.”

About this group:

A multicultural group. A group helping us to keep in touch, to meet new friends, to learn songs, to prepare Servas meetings, to create singing groups in many different localities, to share events, proposals, to exchange information, and much more.

Singing, playing, dancing....

No Servas meetings without songs... :-) “

Luigi Uslenghi

Chi siamo:

“Siamo un ideale gruppo multiculturale che impara ed esegue canti tradizionali di paesi diversi, accostandoci con curiosità e rispetto a culture diverse, trasmettendoci gli uni gli altri le nostre tradizioni, scambiandoci ritmi, dialetti, melodie. Un modo di cantare la pace che -accanto a canzoni impegnate “programmatiche” - cerca di valorizzare anche semplici brani popolari dove è l’approccio, e non il contenuto, ad essere già di per sè messaggio significativo di amore e rispetto per tutti i colori del mondo.” Anna M. Di Lorenzo

You can post comments, suggestions, requests regarding this site in the Servas singing group of Facebook

Austrian, Italian, Turkish and French people singing songs by night - Istanbul- Servas Eurasia Meeting 2002

Christopher and Guido playing music -Sentierinsieme /Pathway together 2014 (Austria)

What is Servas - Video from Servas Argentina

Servas dancing - Alpe Adria 2013, Klagenfurth (Austria)

Singing " Se Canto" - Bergün , Switzerland, Sentierinsieme/ Pathway together 2015

Singing "Imagine" during the Servas International Conference 2012 in Poland

Italian group singing "Funiculì funiculà" - Servas Summer University- Poland 2003

1st international Servas meeting in Russia. Russian and other Servas friends from different countries singing " Auld Lang Syne" . June 2018

Servas Song

Barbara Whitehead, 1972


Fratoj, ni servas tutta la mond'

Ni estas pacistoj, pacema nia rond'!

Good friends in Servas, these are my kin,

Where the doors opens, I'm glad to walk in.

All the world over, we feel the same,

Love is our method and peace is our aim.

Work, study, travel - learn as we go,

So, much to help with, and so much to know!

Good friends of Servas, help me to roam,

When you come my way, I'll give you a home!

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