Another Summary "f/F Parasite"

Another Summary "f/F Parasite"

Shigeyuki TOSHIMA

    "I" am a leading character of this story which is a story of mine. I am a person inordinately fond of writing letters; a person who uncommonly and oddly likes writing letters. That mean "I" have no knowledge of how to get along with others and the world other than "writing" letters. In other words, I am deeply isolated from, disappointed with and in awe of others and the world. This unusual "writing" habit comes from awe existing in my mind.

    "You" are another leading character and this is also a story of your own. I must continue writing letters to maintain myself as an avid letter-writer. This means "You" are surely required to keep writing back to "Me". If I writer letters one-sidely all the time and you are only a receiver, it doesn't(*1) mean I'm a truly avid letter-writer but only a letter-writer. Therefore "You" are a person who is singled out from others and the world as mentioned above and you are the world incarnate. "You" should not be a person like anyone else neither should you be able to envisage "another Me". A true letter should be defined in that way.

    In the first scene, three characters playing "You" appear. As mentioned above, "You" are specially selected persons. Therefore "You" may perform such various kind of "You" on the stage as "You" who were riding on the train three days ago, "You" who are typing in the office now or "You" who will receive a letter in the morning and be in two minds about whether or not it should be opened. In short, these three molecules perform then? They devoted themselves only to reading letters aloud from "Me" and writing back. It implies "You" are repeatedly playing "Me" by means of using parts of the body. In other words, these three molecules are "You" and "Me", or perhaps "You"(*2) are indeed a letter sent by "Me". A numerator, often implied by a molecule, requires a denominator. In this story three numerators are parasited by three denominators named postmen. Three postmen, whose role is to carry letters from "Me" to "You", enter the first scene, too. They call "Me" to the stage together with "You". "I", who am incapable of reading or writing, unconditionally drift in at last.

    Three "You" and three "Postmen" begin to train "Me".

(Translated by Yutaka Ueno)



*1    原文ではdoes'nt

*2    原文では"you"(yが小文字)
