
Costume Debut: June 2013

Costume Reprised: October 2013

On a beautiful day in June, Irvin and two of his friends all dressed as Esmerelda from Hunchback of Notre Dame. The lobby of Irvin's building resembles Notre Dame a bit, so they decided to shoot a video to "God Help the Outcasts." (Regrettably, this video fell victim to hard drive issues.) In the process, the neighbors were caused quite a bit of alarm, culminating in a phone call to Irvin's aunt about "a couple of strange women leaving Irvin's apartment." This was then followed by a picnic in the nearby park, which certainly made an impression on the many families there.

When the NY Badassilisks threw a team bonding party that October, and costumes were suggested, Irvin decided to come dressed as Esmerelda, since this outfit is a good first impression of Irvin's cosplaying. Much of the night was spent groping breasts and discussing them, so it was a successful team bonding experience.