Petunia Dursley

Costume Debut: August 2013

The first HP movie was being shown on the USS Intrepid, and naturally, TGTSNBN turned out in droves. Such an event necessitated costumes, and Irvin wracked his brains for a character from Sorcerer's Stone to cosplay in the heat. Finally, he settled on Aunt Petunia at the last minute, and threw together an outfit from the costumes he had lying around. Almost uniquely among the crossplays Irvin has done, Petunia is neither crazy nor skanky, and it was rather a challenge to act so conservatively when in costume. Even more of a challenge was not smiling whenever pictures were being taken; no character has ever looked so unhappy!

The movie-watching experience was hilarious, with Irvin acting out the part of Petunia during the first half by praising Dudley and making waspish remarks about Harry. He even recited her venomous monologue about Lily. Throughout the evening, Irvin kept getting asked where the boobs were, and had to keep explaining that Lily got the boobs along with the magic in the family. For evidence, look no further than the Lily costume.