
Costume Debut: February 2016

Costume Reprised: May 2016, June 2016, April 2024

Irvin's favorite show as a kid was X-Men Evolution, so when he had a cartoon-themed 24th birthday party, there had to be an homage to that show.  Irvin therefore decided that his second outfit of the party would by Cyclops - Scott Summers, the team's fearless leader.  This costume probably involved more work than any other Irvin's done to date - the entire thing had to be made from scratch.  Under his friend Deanna's mentoring, Irvin sewed the yellow X and the backing for the shoulder pads, attached them to the body suit, and made the yellow boot covers.  He even had to dye the gloves yellow - yellow clothes are surprisingly hard to find, as Woody and Misty can attest.  But the end result, if he does say so himself, came out really cool.

After all that hard work, Irvin was determined to get maximum mileage out of the costume.  He donned it again to go see the new X-Men movie that May, X-Men Apocalypse.  The following month, June, he wore it to AwesomeCon 2016.  There was a host of X-Men at the convention, though none from X-Men Evolution, but several fans understood which specific version of Cyclops the costume was, and were very impressed.

In 2024, Irvin attended his first specifically X-Men-themed convention, "Mutant and Proud" in Philadelphia.  For the occasion, he dusted off the old Cyclops costume, which required a lot of hot glue to bring it back into shape.  For the first time, everyone immediately recognized Irvin's costume and its specific origin!

Irvin ran into other Cyclopes throughout the day, always making sure to get photos with them, and recreating the iconic Spiderman-pointing meme (as seen below).  When he entered the costume contest and had to go immediately after another Cyclops, he used the X-Men Evolution catchphrase, "That's what makes us X-Men." (Followed by dramatic staring into the distance.)  Once the dancing started at the Hellfire Gala in the evening, Irvin developed a whole new reputation as "the Cyclops who's got moves," which seemed wholly appropriate!

Who's the real Cyclops?