Ludo Bagman

Costume Debut: Leviosa 2019

Costume Reprised: MISTI-Con 2019, November 2021, November 2023

Irvin had long intended to cosplay Ludo Bagman in his Wimbourne Wasps robes, so once he finally had his own sewing machine, he decided to do it for the conventions in summer 2019: first Leviosa, then MISTI-Con.  Fortunately, the only thing that needed to be crafted was the robes themselves - everything else was repurposed Hufflepuff gear.  Ludo carries with him a yellow-and-black Beater's bat, as well as a notebook and pen lest anyone be willing to make a wager.

Irvin was originally going to wear Ludo to the Fashion Show at Leviosa 2019 to show off the hand-crafted robes.  But the organizers of the convention asked Irvin to emcee the Fashion Show - which was an even more perfect fit for Ludo!  He made a good emcee, even if he occasionally got distracted trying to place wagers on the models.

But Ludo was also the subject of a smear campaign by Rita Skeeter: she'd published an article in the Daily Prophet about Ludo judging the Fashion Show, alleging all kinds of unsavory things about Ludo and his goblin debtors.  Everyone at Leviosa read the article, and quite a few people had awkward questions to ask Ludo about it.

At MISTI-Con, Ludo didn't have quite as dramatic a time, though he did serve as the opening salvo in Irvin's seven-costume day.  As Ludo, Irvin did a joint panel with Lorrie Kim about "Discussing HP in 2019," and then did a book signing.

The robes Irvin sewed made enough of an impression that a friend asked about commissioning a set of robes for herself - which would be Irvin's first costuming commission if it comes to pass!

Ludo Bagman has quickly become a convention staple, as Irvin can use the costume whenever he needs to run a game show or similar event.  He was brought to CONjuration 2021 to run "Majority Rules," a game show where contestants attempt to guess how the majority will respond to controversial questions.  Bagman kept things lively, and naturally tried to squeeze in some gambling during the event - he even won a custom-made five-galleon bill from a Kingsley cosplayer.   Irvin brought both Bagman and "Majority Rules" back for CONjuration 2023.