Cho Chang

Costume Debut: December 2015

Costume Reprised: Leviosa 2016

Every winter, TGTSNBN has a costumed ice skating event. Irvin had long been impeded in his quest to cosplay Ravenclaws by the lack of an appropriately colored tie; when he finally procured one, it was time to realize his dream of cosplaying a very weepy Cho Chang. Since Cho is a "human hosepipe," Irvin made sure to have tear tracks of mascara all over his face (the first time he's ever worn mascara), and was extremely morose in all the pictures. Whenever anyone asked, Cho started expounding upon all the feelings she has. She briefly cheered up while dancing at a wizard rock concert later that day, but otherwise remained very emotional.

Cho (and all her feelings) returned at Leviosa 2016, where she would start sobbing and talking about her feelings to whomever would listen. Her biggest mistake was seeking comfort from Peeves, who was not very emotionally supportive.