Mad-Eye Moody

Costume Debut: June 2019

TGTSNBN's June 2019 meetup was a discussion all about the Defense Against Dark Arts professors, led by Irvin. He took this opportunity to complete a cosplay goal that had lingered for years: to cosplay the full set of D.A.D.A. professors. The task began in 2010, and was almost completed within a few years: Quirinus Quirrell (2012), Gilderoy Lockhart (2010), Remus Lupin (2010), Dolores Umbridge (2011), and Severus Snape (2010). But Mad-Eye Moody proved the elusive one, and it was only a full seven years later that the set was finished.

There were two chief challenges. First, Moody's eye. Fortunately, this was an available piece of merchandise (as a keychain), but the trick was making it appear as an eye. The solution proved very uncomfortable, indeed. The other challenge was to create Moody's "wooden leg with a clawed foot." For this, Irvin had to use his new sewing machine to make it out of fabric. It ended up being very comfortable! Add in a wig ("mane of grizzled gray hair"), a "black traveling cloak," and a flask to always be drinking from... and there's Mad-Eye Moody!