
Costume Debut: June 2019

Irvin is a big fan of author Sarvenaz Tash - so much so that her blurb is on the back cover of his book. She had a book launch party for her new book, Virtually Yours, in Books of Wonder in June 2019. Irvin dressed up as Graham, the character on the cover of her last book, The Geek's Guide to Unrequited Love. Graham is a lovesick teenager at New York Comic Con, so most of the outfit was easily assembled costume pieces. Irvin even had a con badge handy (he used one from BookCon, not Comic Con). The tricky part was the heart on the shirt, that required some sewing and hot-gluing to get just right. And a small detail from within the book: the sci-fi character Irvin dresses up as has a signature green ear - because it just wouldn't be a weekend if Irvin's skin was a natural color!

At the book launch party, Irvin was in the thick of the festivities, partaking in a game show and asking lots of questions. He even got to meet the guy on whom Graham was based, which was really cool. And he got to get a picture with the author and the book in question!

Irvin with Sarvenaz Tash, Graham's creator