Dolores Umbridge

Costume Debut: November 2011

With the original AVPM Umbridge, Joe Walker

When Irvin and his friends went to SPACE Tour to see Team StarKid perform, they naturally donned outfits. And seizing on a chance to cosplay Umbridge that might never come again, Irvin dressed as Dolores Umbridge from A Very Potter Sequel. He was able to create such a spot-on look only with a lot of borrowing, because he owned nothing pink to begin with.

When they arrived, they were mobbed by impressed StarKid fans. There was actually a line on the street to take pictures with Irvin! So Umbridge, along with Scarfy and Ginny, went on a tour of the entire line, letting fans take their pictures and cheer at any line said from the show. So enthusiastic were the fans, that they made it their top priority for Umbridge to meet the members of Team StarKid. That was how Irvin got to meet half of Team StarKid, and even get a picture with his hero Joe Walker (Joe was being whisked away by security, but the fans would not let him go until the original Umbridge got a picture with Irvin's Umbridge)!

Irvin has since gained Internet fame as Umbridge, with word (and pictures) of him traveling far and wide among the StarKid community.