Oliver Wood

Costume Debut: Leviosa 2019

With Sean Biggerstaff, the Oliver Wood in the films!

One of the special guests at Leviosa 2019 was Sean Biggerstaff, the actor who portrayed Oliver Wood in the first two movies. So to meet him, Irvin whipped up an Oliver Wood costume. The basics Irvin already had lying around - Gryffindor Quidditch robes, an "I'm a Keeper" tank top, and so on. The question was how to make it distinctly Oliver. Irvin decided that the key to emphasize would be his Quidditch mania, as seen in his epic diagrams when training the Gryffindor team. To that end, Irvin got a pointer and crafted Quidditch diagrams, and then lectured anyone who would listen on Quidditch strategy.

For good measure, Irvin also carried around Snitches to show Harry Potter what they are. Irvin did get to meet Sean Biggerstaff and get a photo with him; they actually talked a lot later that night, and Sean Biggerstaff proved to be really cool and really intelligent!