In 2015, the chief cosplaying event was MISTI-Con 2015 - the third convention in New Hampshire, and a chance to show off costumes both old and new. Breaking the old record, Irvin wore 12 costumes throughout the convention - a mix of old favorites and new ones. At the con, he debuted his costumes for two of the most important characters in the series: Ron Weasley, and his favorite Luna Lovegood. Both outfits have seen a lot of wear in the ensuing years.

At the cosplay day preceding MISTI-Con, Irvin and his friend Cheryl were the Weasley twins, alternating throughout the day, leaving Charlie as the only Weasley yet to be cosplayed by Irvin. And to close out the year, Irvin dressed as a very morose Cho Chang for TGTSNBN's ice skating meetup.

Throughout the year, Irvin also refurbished some older costumes like McGonagall and Lockhart, since he's been at this cosplaying lark long enough for his skills to noticeably improve.