
Costume Debut: MISTI-Con 2017

After over seven years of HP cosplay, Irvin has had to dress as increasingly obscure characters. For his first costume at MISTI-Con 2017 (and very appropriate for greeting arrivals), he dressed as Basil. Basil is the wizard at the Quidditch World Cup in charge of the portkeys, wearing a kilt and a poncho to appear as a muggle. Irvin got a kilt and a poncho, along with a pocket watch and a list of arrivals, and greeted folks as they arrived at the Opening Feast. Exactly one person managed to figure out who Irvin was supposed to be and remembered the character's name; everyone else remembered who it was once they'd been told, but needed prompting.

Unfortunately, the Opening Feast was repulsively hot and humid. Most of Irvin was fine and aired out, but the torso underneath the poncho truly suffered. At the end of the night, he had to wring out the shirt and hang it up to dry. On the upside, the experience was said to be very slimming!