Bloody Baron

Costume Debut: Leviosa 2016

Costume Reprised: MISTI-Con 2017

There was a Family Feud event at Leviosa 2016 that necessitated a group costume. After much deliberation, Irvin and his friends decided to play as the Hogwarts Ghosts on vacation, and Irvin called dibs on the Bloody Baron. The costume ended up being a fair bit of work: not only did the Hawaiian shirt have to be painted with silver bloodstains, but the chains were not silver enough and had to be painted over. That's to say nothing of the white makeup that had to be applied the moment of. But the end result is a Bloody Baron very clearly on vacation, with Slytherin shorts and a sun hat, but still wearing his chains of penance.

The other Hogwarts Ghosts were the Fat Friar, Nearly Headless Nick, the Grey Lady, and Moaning Myrtle - all the House ghosts were represented! Family Feud was run by Peeves, which allowed for an awful lot of hamming. The other team, who merely came to play a game show, and called themselves "Staying Alive" in opposition to the Hogwarts Ghosts, could barely keep up. The Bloody Baron kept fighting with Peeves, and trying to work out his relationship issues with the Grey Lady, as Myrtle just whined through the whole thing. The Hogwarts Ghosts won Family Feud, and that was even with a question about ghosts in the series that was skipped due to "unfairness." Afterwards, there were lots of fun photos to take (such as the Baron stabbing the Grey Lady), and Irvin was clanking about in chains for the rest of the night.

The costume was brought out again at MISTI-Con 2017 for a game show Irvin was working on with Peeves, "Win the Bloody Baron's Galleons," where the audience (and Peeves) rudely interrupted the Bloody Baron's vacation in order to challenge him in HP trivia. Naturally, no one managed to defeat the Bloody Baron and win his Galleons, but it was cute to watch them try! The Bloody Baron and Peeves kept sniping at each other, which was the most fun part.

After the game show, Irvin had a meeting with a publisher, Story Spring Publishing, and made a deal to get his book published. Naturally, Irvin would get a publishing deal while covered in white makeup and clanking with chains... it's very true to form!