Dad (Trail to Oregon)

Costume Debut: May 2015

Irvin has established himself as the prime StarKid cosplayer in NYC, so when Team StarKid staged one of their shows (The Trail to Oregon) off-Broadway, Irvin went in costume. He meticulously replicated the look of the dad, as played by Jeff Blim - coincidentally, the same actor he emulated at the last StarKid event he attended. Irvin even convinced his friend Jen to go as the mother, so they were a cosplaying power couple. After the show, he got to meet the entire cast, who were all very impressed with the costume (and a few of whom remembered him from prior events). Several of the cast said they'd thought Irvin was Jeff from afar, which is the highest compliment he could get. And he even managed to meet his inspiration, Jeff Blim, to get a picture and discuss the challenges of the costume (those damn sleeves!).