Jason Grace

Costume Debut: June 2015

While Irvin is not a big fan of Heroes of Olympus or Jason, a Jason was requested for a PJO cosplay day to accompany a Piper and a Leo. Blonde hair, a small scar on the lip, and a no-fun attitude were all that was required for Jason, along with a spear and a sword. Having the trio from The Lost Hero allowed for photos of many key scenes - romantic ones with Piper and confrontational ones with Leo, Jason holding Leo over the Grand Canyon, Jason and Leo having a heart-to-heart while Piper slept, and lots of battle scenes. When an Annabeth made her appearance, she and Jason recreated the beginning of the book, with Jason having only one shoe. Later in the day, there was a Thalia, leading to lots of fun shots of the Grace siblings, both in battle and in conversation. (Note: none of Jason's scenes in the later books were photographed because Irvin likes to pretend those books don't exist.)