
Costume Debut: January 2024

After reprising his Dr. Drakken  costume the prior Halloween with his dance partner as Shego, Irvin was inspired to pull off his own Shego costume, and did just that for Disney DJ Night in January 2024.  His new friends were doing a group KP cosplay; as Kim, Ron, and Monique; so Irvin was happy to have someone to menace.

The costume came ready-made online, but the wig (or rather, two wigs combined) and over-the-top makeup helped sell it, as did two key props: the nail file that Shego is always using when conveying her boredom, and the booking number on her mugshot.  Both can be seen below!

Irvin was not the only one with this good idea - the event was lousy with Shegos, at least half a dozen at last count.  Irvin made sure to get photos with as many of them as possible!

The cherry on top was that after Disney DJ Night ended at a woefully early time, Irvin went to an ABBA-themed Gimme Gimme Disco afterwards... still dressed as Shego.  To his surprise and consternation, Shego proved more popular than any disco-themed outfits!  He was showered with compliments, both from those who recognized the iconic villain, and those who just liked a bodysuit that glowed a bright neon green in the lights!