
Costume Debut: November 2021

With fellow Amigas Cheetahs, Angel and Dorinda

One of Irvin's projects in 2021 was filming a video recreating the iconic "Amigas Cheetahs" dance from The Cheetahs Girls 2. Not only did he assemble the four Cheetah Girls (see Aqua), he also needed the two supporting boys in the video - Joaquin and Angel. Allie, who was the Chanel of the Cheetah Girls, agreed to be Angel and strum a guitar as needed. Irvin would obviously be Joaquin, the dancer. And Sophia reprised Dorinda to shoot the couples dancing with Joaquin at the end of the number.

Joaquin was fully a closet cosplay, but was among the most dangerous costumes Irvin has worn, because part of the choreography involves Joaquin launching his body to the floor with wild abandon. But Irvin lived to tell the tale, and the results can be seen in teh video below!