
Costume Debut: MISTI-Con 2019

The first full day of MISTI-Con 2019, Irvin wore seven different costumes. So, utterly exhausted, the following day Irvin seized the chance to wear almost nothing at all, and cosplayed Kreacher the house-elf. (He also figured there were only so many more years he had where he could pull this look off, as it took a good bit of effort to get in shape for this!)

The most important item was the elf ears, a knitted pair Irvin had bought at a previous MISTI-Con, which he filled with white ear hair. Then he borrowed Slytherin's locket from his friend Margaret, and brought along his frying pan. Then all that was left to do was to secure a dirty-looking loincloth (which Irvin made sure was very very secure, thank you very much!).

It was, by far, the most comfortable costume Irvin had worn in a long while. It also provided a very good outlet for Irvin's (loud) energy in the morning, as he could jump up and down a lot and shout about "fighting for Master Regulus!" He also got to recreate Kreacher's tantrum from Book 6. Between the volume and the amount of skin shown, this is one of the most on-brand cosplays Irvin's ever done!

Irvin spent a large chunk of the day in this costume, being very reluctant to change. One of the highlights was the wizard rock show, where the Blibbering Humdingers were performing. One of the songs they sang was "Dobby, Bang Your Head!" Naturally, Irvin was dancing in the aisles and banging his head (since, as a house-elf, he was the closest proxy for Dobby). At the end of the song, Dobby is dead, so Irvin lay down and played dead. There was a baby at the concert, who went over and lay down with Irvin, evidently feeling a kindred spirit due to their similar outfits. It was the cutest thing ever.