
Costume Debut: June 2019

Costume Reprised: September 2020

For Disney DJ Night in June 2019, Irvin wanted to do an Aladdin-themed group costume to reflect the excitement about the live-action movie (which he refused to see). Since he'd already dressed up as Aladdin at a previous Disney DJ Night, he decided to do Jasmine this time around. There were premade Jasmine costumes available online, but they required a lot of alterations before they met Irvin's standards. The trickiest part ended up being her gargantuan earrings, which Irvin made from scratch.

At Disney DJ Night, Jasmine was a big hit, not least because the place was full to the brim of cosplayers of all characters from Aladdin. Witness Irvin's friend group above, including Aladdin and Jasmine, their respective pets, and the Genie. The best part though, naturally, was when they played "A Whole New World." Irvin, along with Nate as Aladdin, sat down on the stage to recreate the whole scene. When it was done, the hosts commended them through the loudspeaker, that "we didn't realize we'd be getting Broadway-level performances here!"

In September 2020, Irvin and his friends did a weekend getaway to the Roxbury Motel, where they stayed in a room themed as the "Genie's Bottle." Naturally, this proved too enticing a backdrop for Irvin to pass up recreating his Jasmine cosplay, allowing her to mope forlornly all over her palace.