Andromeda Tonks

Costume Debut: November 2017

One of Irvin's earliest cosplaying specialties was the Black family; within a few years of beginning to cosplay, he had dressed up as almost every single member at one point or another. But one member eluded him, because there never seemed to be an opportune moment to cosplay such an obscure character: Andromeda Black Tonks. But for TGTSNBN's monthly meetup in November 2017, Irvin was leading a book discussion based on the Black family, and seized the opportunity to complete the Black family tree.

There is not much to go on in the books regarding Andromeda's appearance; all that's said is that she resembles Bellatrix, but with brown hair. To that effect, Irvin had to fill in the blanks. He focused on the fact that Andromeda lost her entire family in the war against Voldemort. In honor of that (and her family name), Andromeda wore a black dress - and, to remain consistent with Irvin's portrayal of her sisters, had rather large boobs. In Andromeda's brown hair, there was one streak of pink as an homage to her fallen daughter. And, of course, Andromeda had baby Teddy with her, complete in a Weird Sisters bib. One of the main takeaways from the night was that Irvin should never have children, based on how he was holding baby Teddy.