Other Cosplays

Film (Animated)

Anastasia: Dimitri

How to Train Your Dragon: Hiccup

Малыш и Карлсон: Малыш


Nicole Kidman (AMC's "We Make Movies Better")

TV (Live-Action)


Merlin (BBC): Arthur Pendragon

Shadowhunters: Alec Lightwood

Original Characters

The Mathemagician, an original superhero 

As the Harry Potter fandom has quieted down a bit, Irvin started cosplaying characters from his various other fandoms.  Here there are the miscellaneous characters from live-action TV shows like Firefly, Merlin, and Shadowhunters; from animated movies like Anastasia and How to Train Your Dragon; and from esoteric sources like Soviet cartoons and advertising campaigns.   These costumes are from 2013 onwards, which was when Irvin settled into his role as all-around cosplayer, not just for HP events.