Sir Cadogan

Costume Debut: MISTI-Con 2019

At MISTI-Con 2019, there was a Founders Ball, where everyone got to dress up in their Medieval finest. Irvin decided to dress up as a character from those times: the portrait of Sir Cadogan. That's right, he thought it would be a good idea to wear chain mail to a dance party.

Luckily, he already had chain mail from his King Arthur cosplay, though he did have to get armor-patterned leggings. For the key accessories to make it Sir Cadogan, Irvin brought a portrait frame (which had to be abandoned in a corner at the Ball), a giant sword, and a pony on a stick. Coupled with wide eyes and a crazy demeanor, it seemed like everyone at MISTI-Con got pictures with Sir Cadogan. He also led the attendees of Irvin's Wizard Dance class in a performance of "Rodolphus"... again, all in chain mail.

But there was also a storyline happening. At the beginning of the con, Rita Skeeter had published an article in the Daily Prophet called "Sir Cadogan's Wild Ride," which had been read by most of the attendees at the convention. The article made a lot of allegations of impropriety between Sir Cadogan and his pony. Apparently, MISTI-Con attendees paid attention, because a lot of people made comments and asked Sir Cadogan questions about his relationship with his pony - which was, of course, a cue for Sir Cadogan to start ranting at them.

Those insinuations may have had some merit, because both Sir Cadogan and a lot of other people were riding that pony on the dance floor at the Founders Ball. There were even some people who kissed and cuddled with the pony - it was by far the most popular steed at the dance party!

Irvin must have sweat off about ten pounds during that entire dance party, but he remains convinced that wearing that chain mail was a good idea!