Nicole Kidman

Costume Debut: Halloween 2023

As a movie buff with AMC A-List, Irvin has seen Nicole Kidman's iconic ad north of 50 times in the movie theater.  Given New York City's collective fondness for the campy masterpiece, Irvin decided that would be his Halloween costume in 2023!

It was easier said than done, because the pantsuit with glittering pinstripes did not exist anywhere that Irvin could purchase it.  So he had to get a gray pantsuit and manually add pinstripes through sequined adhesive, which took more hours than he cares to think about.  

And in a full commitment, Irvin wore heels on Halloween for the first time in many years, which literally left a mark!  Though as a counterpoint, the costume had pockets and many warm layers, which is quite unusual for Irvin's Halloween costumes!

On Halloween itself, Irvin decided to do an AMC crawl, wherein he'd visit all 9 AMCs in New York City as Nicole Kidman to get photos and record himself doing the ad.  With two friends in tow, he zigzagged across the city, coming to every single theater for magic!  The results can be seen below, with Irvin standing outside each of New York's AMCs.

While the enthusiasm varied by theater, most of the theaters saw Irvin receiving a very enthusiastic welcome.  Employees saluted Nicole Kidman as she walked past doing the ad.  (And all but one theater let Irvin in to do a photo shoot with no issue!)  Several allowed Irvin into the theaters themselves to get photos of Nicole Kidman sitting in an empty movie theater.  (See photos of all of this!)

The single best reception was at Irvin's favorite movie theater, AMC 34th Street.  There, several moviegoers recognized Nicole Kidman and began enthusiastically fangirling.  Irvin followed them into the theater where Five Nights at Freddy's was about to begin.  When the ad began to play, Irvin walked out to cheers and applause, and performed the entire ad live as it played behind him!

(Videos are all forthcoming!)

Of course, Irvin also made sure to recreate iconic shots in the ad to the best of his ability, as seen below!

Once the crawl was complete, Irvin partook in his usual Halloween tradition of marching in the Halloween parade.  It was very clear that some people were moviegoers and some weren't!  He would go two blocks with no reaction, only to then hear a whole bunch of people shouting, "Nicole!  Nicole!  Did you come here for magic?!"  That would serve as Irvin's cue to launch into a full recitation of the ad!  One or two people seemed surprised he knew it all word-perfect; all the rest recited it right alongside him!

When Irvin's companions spent ages waiting for him to complete the parade route, he pointed out, "When you come to a place for magic, it takes time!"  The night concluded at IHOP, where yet more people recognized Irvin and got an a performance... and Irvin even did an IHOP riff on the ad, because why should AMC have all the fun?  In fact, riffing on the ad became a favorite pastime, since Irvin did the same in the holiday cards he sent out... there are just so many places one can go for magic!

This outfit did leave Irvin's family more nonplussed than usual, particularly his grandma who doesn't speak English.  Irvin tried translating the ad into Russian on the spot, but it's not easy to capture the full meaning and majesty of a line like "Somehow, heartbreak feels good in a place like this."  Later, Irvin put that specific translation to his other family members, and they came up with, "На удивление, разочарование приятное в таком месте."

Nicole Kidman in front of the biggest AMC banner she could find!

Nicole Kidman sitting in her empty movie theater.