Inara Serra (Firefly)

Costume Debut: November 2013

Costume Reprised: December 2013

Inara is from the short-lived Joss Whedon TV show Firefly, and is Irvin's first character from a live-action TV show. When a few of the NY Badassilisks donned Firefly costumes for Halloween of 2013, Irvin wanted to be included in the fun. So he organized a group Firefly cosplay for the weekend following Halloween, to be worn for his friend Chris's birthday party. Naturally, everyone who knew Irvin realized right away that he'd be Inara. All of the women of Firefly were present - Inara, Kaylee, River, Zoe, and even Saffron. Unfortunately, only two guys were scrounged up - Wash and Jayne.

After a photo shoot in Washington Square Park that included Inara combing Kaylee's hair and getting seduced by Saffron, the group headed to the birthday party, pausing to recreate the show's poster as best they could in the subway. At the party, which took place in a crowded steakhouse, they decided to recreate the iconic barfight scene. A lot of people got in on it, including some strangers who consented to get "beaten up" for a photo. All Inara had to do was look exasperated as she stood in the middle of it.

The women at the party seethed with envy at how good Irvin looked in that dress - which had been bought in London and accentuated his butt magnificently. Notably, this is the first time Irvin has dressed as an actual prostitute.

Irvin and his fellow Firefly cosplayers designated a weekend a month later "Firefly Weekend," where they would dress up as their characters again and watch the TV show. They only made it through six episodes, but they did take many more photos!