Justin Finch-Fletchley (Puffs)

Costume Debut: February 2018

Costume Reprised: November 2018, MISTI-Con 2019

With Nick Carrillo, the original J-Finch

One of the times Irvin went to see Puffs "just because," he dressed as J-Finch. The costume was definitely not imaginary, and Irvin definitely looks both boyish and fun. The inspiration for J-Finch was out that night, but Irvin did get a photo with Steve Stout (Ernie Mac), leading to a lovely photo that's a "side of Mac n Finch!"

Irvin brought back the costume in November 2018, when he went to see Puffs on their special "Puff Night" the week that Nick Carrillo (the original J-Finch) was departing the show. To Irvin's delight, he found that there was a second J-Finch in the audience! Two J-Finches together are definitely J-Finch approved! And Irvin finally got a photo with Nick Carrillo, as seen above.

At MISTI-Con 2019, Irvin staged an epic Puffs-themed number for the Lip Sync Battle (see below). One of the three roles he played was J-Finch, so the costume got a very brief reprise at the convention.