
Costume Debut: March 2024

When Irvin's friend Taylor announced a karaoke birthday party themed around Disney villains, it seemed obvious that Irvin should finally put together a long-imagined Frollo costume - after all, can there be a better Disney villain song than Hellfire?

Of course, making a Frollo costume is easier said than done.

The most important and most challenging part was the hat, which Irvin made from scratch - it took over six hours of sewing and gluing.  Then he had to sew the purple trim onto the sleeves and hem of the robe.  The black-and-purple armor to go on top involved a lot of trial and error.  And to cap it off, several hours were spent on making the shoulder pads just right... only to come across the challenge of wearing them.  They were connected by elastic to give them a curve, but had to be sewn onto the robe so they wouldn't slide off.

The costume was as challenging to move around in as it was to make!  The big hat was hard enough, but Irvin had never had such wide shoulders, and kept bumping into both people and things.

Still, it was all worth it - Irvin was really proud of how the costume turned out.  He covered his fingers in rings, and procured Esmerelda's scarf online, so he could creepily sniff it and lust over her as Frollo does in the song.  (See those images below.)  It didn't take much acting for Frollo to be creepy as hell.

As a fun bonus, the birthday girl was dressed as Hades.  Irvin realized that Hades' hair was, quite literally, hellfire, and proceeded to play with it throughout the evening.

The karaoke at the party didn't end up happening, but a guy walking by recognized Frollo and promptly began belting it, so Irvin still got to sing a bit of the song for an appreciative audience!  And this will definitely be a costume that Irvin will wear a lot, he worked too hard on it!