Lizzie McGuire

Costume Debut: January 2023

For quite a few years, Irvin and his friend Angie talked of cosplaying Lizzie McGuire and her Italian doppelganger Isabella Parigi.  It seemed like the perfect costume for a Disney DJ Night, except those plans were waylaid first by the covid pandemic and then by Disney DJ Night's choice of venue.  So when Irvin finally found himself back at a Disney DJ Night for the first time in three years in 2023, they decided it was time to make the dream a reality.

Since it was the mid-2000s, were the fashion ethos was "more is more," it was a very involved outfit to make.  Upon buying a set of shimmery silver pants and shirt, Irvin had to spend an entire day crafting it to resemble the look in the movie.  The shirt had to be cut, trim had to sewn to the pants, embellishments glued onto the shirt, and so on and so forth.  But at the end of the day, it paid off, because Irvin and Angie were greeted as an iconic duo at the events.  Yes, plural events - Disney DJ Night started early in the evening, so Irvin and Angie went to two DIsney-themed dance parties that night.

At both events, they got up on stage to perform "What Dreams Are Made Of," with as many of Hilary Duff's signature moves as they could muster from memory!  And the crowds in New York went as wild for them as Rome did for Lizzie and Isabella.