Wizard with Time Turners (Puffs)

Costume Debut: October 2017

With Stephen Stout, the actor who portrays the Wizard with Time Turners.

Diving ever further into the obscure characters of the Puffs universe, Irvin decided to cosplay a bit part from the Puffs parody of Cursed Child, "19 Years Later." At the end of the play, Harry asks all the wizards of the Ministry to hand over any remaining secret Time Turners. Everyone hands one over... then another one... then Harry says, "I’m going to ask a third time. Does--"

One wizard raises his hand and walks up. He hands over one time turner. Then another. Then he pulls out a large bag labeled ‘Time Turners.’

Irvin decided to cosplay that very wizard, so he took a Hogwarts duffel bag, hung several Time Turners from it, and very clearly labelled the bag. In a bit of irony, for the October 2017 reading of the play, all instances of "Time Turner" was changed to "Time Twister" so as not to step on WB's copyrighted toes... so this outfit was unfortunately no longer wholly accurate.