Regulus Black

Costume Debut: December 2009

Costume Reprised: January 2010

Honors: Evil Day 2's Most Festive Costume

In December of 2009, Irvin attended two parties, Hunter DA's Yule Ball and TGTSNBN's Evil Day 2 dressed as Regulus Black. He used several props to with the outfit, including Slytherin's locket, a Black family goblet, and a very creepy Death Eater mask. At Evil Day 2, it was widely remarked that he looked very good with long black hair; so good, in fact, that two women cosplaying Bellatrix fell in love with him. This gave birth to the Bellatrix/Regulus ship, known as "Bellagulus." This ship tended to involve handcuffs quite a bit.

At Evil Day 2, Irvin gave the debut performance of the Dancing Death Eaters dressed as Regulus (sans the robe), which started a years-long tradition of the Death Eaters performing in costume. The costumes, however, grew more weird and less relevant as time went on.

Irvin participated in the costume contest at Evil Day 2, and won the award for Most Festive Costume. The contest came down to a walk-off between Irvin and the runner-up, and Irvin won because no one can strut their stuff like he can. The prize was a Slug Club t-shirt that Irvin used as pajamas for well over a decade.

The costume then helped keep him warm as he and his friends had to walk through the fiercest blizzard they'd seen in years. The wig, in particular, was a real blessing. Despite twisted ankles and talk of cannibalism, they all made it out alive in the end.

The costume was reprised for a day the following month when TGTSNBN had their annual costumed ice-skating meetup. Irvin refused to wake up early enough to go, but he joined them at the after-party, arriving in style.