Irvin's Cosplay Gallery

Irvin is an avid cosplayer, and since 2008 has dressed up as over two hundred different characters.  A third were from Harry Potter, which is what started Irvin's craze, but he has since expanded into Disney, theatre, other books, TV shows, and more.  Living in NYC affords copious opportunities for cosplay, such as Halloween (when Irvin does his best work) and the Mermaid Parade every June, not to mention Irvin's own themed birthday parties every February.  (For a list of the costumes worn at each of these major events, go to Listing by Event.) And almost any time Irvin's Harry Potter meetup groups (first The Group That Shall Not Be Named, then NY Order of the Phoenix) meet, it seems like a good opportunity to dress up!

In the service of cosplay, Irvin has learned many valuable skills: sewing, ironing, hot gluing, and even tying a tie.  Take a look around at Irvin's different costumes - while you're at it, read a bit about the creation of said costume and the shenanigans that took place while in the costume.  Scattered across the pages here is a portrait of an incredible decade and a half full of fun times, the kind that can only take place among an incredible geeky community in New York City.

In the sidebar, you can go to various fandoms to see the costumes from each; alternatively, jump off from the Master List of All Costumes!  (The Master List is also in the footer for ease of navigation.)

See what Irvin gets up to when he's not in costume here! 

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