Leviosa 2019

Presentation: The Tools and Talents of Albus Dumbledore

Presentation: Reading HP Through the Ages - this was the first time I did a joint presentation, where Lorrie Kim and I led a roundtable discussion about how our age when reading HP informs our perspective on the series.

This was the first convention where I attended as a published author, so I actually had Author Signing Sessions at the convention! And I spent all con selling and signing copies of The Life and Lies of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore!

Rita Skeeter's Scoop: Disgraced Quidditch Star Judging Fashion Show!

The organizers of Leviosa 2019 requested I judge the Fashion Show, which I did as Ludo Bagman. But I also cosplayed as Rita Skeeter, who wrote a Daily Prophet article all about it!