CONjuration 2021

This was the first convention where I was promoting and signing copies of the new version of my book, Dumbledore: The Life and Lies!

And my first convention as a traditionally published author, which meant I got to work with a local independent bookstore to sell the books - the Little Shop of Stories

Cosplays (5 total)

Fiyero (Wicked)     Albus Dumbledore     Ludo Bagman     Lucius Malfoy     Hiccup (HTTYD)

The Art of Wizard Dance: The Art of Parseltongue by Hawthorn & Holly 

Presentation: Dumbledore is Death: The Tale of Three Brothers in Parallel to Harry Potter 

Presentation: Cosplay on a Dime - This was actually the first time I presented about cosplaying, when I joined Renee Hess's presentation to talk about zeroing in on a key item or prop to create affordable cosplays.

Game Shows: Majority Rules - I hosted as Ludo Bagman, with an assist from Brita Long, where we prompted attendees to answer controversial questions with what they thought the majority would answer.

Game Shows: CONjuration Squares - I was recruited at the last minute to be one of the "celebrities" featured in CONjuration's version of Hollywood Squares.

Dancing Death Eaters: Even though the rest of my wizard dance troupe did not attend, I performed Dark Mark Calling with The Blibbering Humdingers singing live as a showcase for The Art of Wizard Dance attendees.