Richard Edward Pierce, HMS Carmania

Seaman, 1684D, RNR, HMS Carmania, Armed Merchant Cruiser and former Cunard passenger steamship. Died of wounds, aged 40, on 16 September 1914.

Following the outbreak of war the Carmania was converted into an armed merchant cruiser and equipped with eight 4.7 inch guns. She then sailed from Liverpool to Shell Bay in Bermuda. She subsequently engaged and sank the German armed liner SS Cap Trafalgar during the Battle of Trindade. HMS Carmania received 79 hits and suffered significant damage with 5 holes on her waterline and fore-bridges destroyed.

Seaman Pierce died two days after the engagement. He was one of ten lost (six killed and four died of wounds with a further 26 wounded).

Born on 28 February 1872 in Amlwch, Anglesey, the son of George and Miriam Pierce of South Stack Lighthouse, Holyhead. He was the husband of Sarah Pierce (nee Davies) of 40 Vulcan Street, Holyhead. They married in Holyhead in 1895.

In 1901 he lived at 40 Vulcan Street with wife and three children, Elizabeth (4), Miriam (3) and Richard (2) and was employed as a Sailor.

In 1911 lived at the same address with his wife and five children, Maggie Ellen (9), Lizzie/Elizabeth (14 - employed as a Shop Assistant), George Edward (6), Sarah Jane (5) and John Hugh (2). His other children lived elsewhere, probably with relatives. In all he had 8 children. He was employed for 23 years as a Sailor with the LNWR and previous to the outbreak of war had served on SS Anglia.

Awarded the 1914-15 Star, Victory Medal and British War Medal.

Commemorated on the Portsmouth Naval Memorial, Panel 6. He is also commemorated on the LNWR Roll of Honour. Buried at sea.

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