Edward Roberts, HMS Europa

Stoker, 1318U, RNR, HMS Europa. Died as a result of an accident, aged 46, on 9 December 1916.

HMS Europa was an old Diadem Class First Class Protected Cruiser (11,000 tons) built in 1899. She was part of the 9th Cruiser Squadron and the Flagship and Depot Ship in the Aegean, during the Dardanelles Campaign. She was based at Mudros, a small Greek port on the Mediterranean island of Lemnos from June/July 1916 until 1919. As a Depot Ship, undertaking mostly administrative work, she did not take an active part in the campaign and it is believed that she received no battle honours.

Born 16 March 1870 at Holyhead, the son of Owen and Grace Roberts. He was the husband of Hannah Roberts of 14 Baker Street. Also resided at 7 Baker Street, Holyhead.

The North Wales Chronicle of 15 December 1916 reported that Stoker Roberts died at a Malta Hospital following a fall down a stoke hold ladder and suffering a fractured skull. The report mentioned that he was 40 years old, the father of three children, the eldest being 14 years of age and was previously employed as a Stonemason at the Tan-Y-Refail Yard.

In 1911 he lived with his family at 26 Baker Street, Holyhead, comprising his wife Hannah (31) (nee Williams?), William Henry Roberts (12), Ellen G Roberts (10) and Elizabeth (1). He enrolled in the RNR on 25 August 1902. For the 18 months prior to the war he had been employed as a Fireman on the City Of Dublin vessels. His Service Record indicates that he was struck by a loose ring bolt whilst coaling the ship on 23 November 1916. This differs from the newspaper report. Also the date of death is given as 9 December 1916. This differs from the CWGC date of 9 September 1916.

Awarded the 1914-15 Star, Victory Medal and British War Medal.

Buried at the Malta (Cappucini) Naval Cemetery, Prot. 332.

Image from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:HMS_Europa.jpg