Rowland Williams, Royal Welsh Fusiliers

Private, Rowland Williams, 266426 (previously 3940), 1/6th Battalion, Royal Welsh Fusiliers. Died, killed in action, aged about 20, on 26 March 1917 at Gaza in the Egyption Theatre of War.

The Battalion was formed in Newtown in August 1914 as part of North Wales Brigade, Welsh Division. On 13 May 1915 the formation became the 158th Brigade, 53rd (Welsh) Division. In July 1915 it sailed for Gallipoli, via Imbros, and disembarked at Suvla Bay on 9 August 1915. After enduring much loss from the fighting and the severe conditions, it was evacuated from Gallipoli in December 1915 and moved to Egypt. The 158th Brigade took part in the First Battle of Gaza (26-27 March 1917), which was an unsuccesful attempt to capture Gaza from the Turks to make way for an invasion of Palestine. The attack was directed against the key defensive ridge of Ali Muntar, positioned directly in front of Gaza. The attack almost suceeded but due to poor communication and misunderstandings the infantry was withdrawn under the threat of heavy Turkish reinforcements. In all the British suffered 4000 casualties during the battle (523 dead, 2,932 wounded and 512 missing).

Private Williams enlisted at Holyhead on 13 January 1916, aged 19, was classified "B" and placed into the reserve. At that time he was employed as a Horseman at Porthdafarch Farm. He remained in the reserve until he was mobilised on 11 February 1916. He joined the 3/6th Battalion, RWF on 15 February 1916. He then transferred to the 1/6th Battalion RWF on 2 July 1916. He left Devonport on 3 July 1916 on HT Corsican, arrrived at Alexandria and joined the Base Depot, 53rd Division on 13 July 1916. He joined up with the 1/6th Battalion at Romani on 16 July 1916. He was admitted to the 3rd Welsh Field Ambulance at El Ferdan with Pyrexia on 8 September 1916. He transfered to 26 Sty. Hospital, Ismailia on 11 September 1916 and diagnosed with Quinsy. He rejoined the Battalion at North Camp, El Ferdan on 4 October 1916. He was killed in action at the First Battle of Gaza. His Service Record mentions that apart from his identification disc, there were no effects to pass onto his parents. Second Lieutenant Arthur Llewelyn Williams was also amongst those lost that day.

Born at Holyhead on 12 January 1897, the son of Thomas and Jane Williams (nee Owen). In 1901 he lived with his parents (both aged 35), brother John (6) and sister Grace (2) at Gardd Llywarch, Penrhosfeilwr, Holyhead. His father originated from Llanynghenedl, Anglesey and was employed as a Carter on a Farm. His mother came from Bryngwran, Anglesey. In 1911 the family resided at the same location and comprised - Thomas Williams (45), Jane Williams (45), Hugh (25), Roland (14), Owen (9), Robert (7) and Grace (12). The family later lived at 14 and 18 Field Street, Holyhead.

Awarded the Victory Medal and British War Medal.

Buried in the Gaza War Cemetery. Grave location II.D.3.